CMD Digital
Research/Visual design
We were instructed to develop a new platform for CMD. It is important that students can go here to ask questions and to search design methods during this project.
About CMD Digital
CMD DIGITAL is a platform for CMD students at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. On the platform, they can search for design methods and share their own projects with fellow students and teachers or ask for feedback.
First, we researched where the students' pain points were and what they would like to have on the CMD platform. We have made a survey, containing the most important questions we want to know.
Questions for survey
We had to come up with questions for the survey. As a team, we know exactly what we want to know during this phase. We wanted to know from the students where they get their design methods and whether they like having a CMD platform. We also wanted to know if they want to learn more from their fellow students and teachers.
The survey provided enough information so that we can proceed with the define phase. It emerged that CMD students need to get to know each other in an informal way and also to be able to view informal information from the study. CMD students would like it if the platform offers different methods and design information.
As a team, we outlined the problem during the define phase and started looking for a solution to this problem. We have applied various methods to arrive at a solution.
To break free, we chose individually to create a wireframe. I chose to make a wireframe on my computer. I already got a lot of ideas and had in mind to create a platform where every CMD student from Rotterdam can search and share projects, like a forum or a blog.